Pigs of the domestic variety are considered highly social and intelligent animals. In this novel, pigs are genetically modified to supply medical science with acceptable organs for transplant in humans. This is, in fact, medically feasible reality, not science fiction. Internet searches for “pig heart saves human life” and “first human heart transplant” reveal that something is impossible only until it becomes possible.
In fiction, though, something can and usually does go wrong. In the case of IF PIGS COULD CRY, author Alain Gunn weaves an intriguing story without venturing into the plot dynamics of Animal Farm. With each new literary building block, Gunn further immerses the reader in a world of possibilities increasingly more difficult to dispute.
But what can happen when human DNA is injected into an animal whose scientifically proven DNA is closely matched to that of a human? It could lead to murder.
This tale does raise several arguments pertaining to moral, ethical, and religious practices. After reading the well-researched novel, it is easy to see the importance of such research. What is more difficult to determine is where medical research should draw the line.
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Cras ornare sollicitudin. Cras suscipit, velit ornare dapibus. Aenean non leo. Cras est iaculis at, ornare egestas ac, ante. Integer nibh eu eros. Quisque vitae imperdiet quis, lacinia dignissim. Donec a leo eu quam. Nam mattis. Cras ornare sollicitudin.